Admissions Policy

AidEx is part of AidEx Geneva Ltd, a UK registered events company.

  1. All AidEx Geneva Ltd events are strictly for professionals working in the aid and development sector. You will be required to show proof of your professional activities (e.g. a business card) at the entrance.

  2. All attendees, be they visitors, exhibitors, press, competitors, students or speakers, at AidEx or Development2030 events must hold a valid badge and be registered for the current show either at the event or pre-show.

  3. Visitors must be involved in professional activities that relate to aid, international development and associated sectors.

  4. Badge holders must not allow their badges to be worn by anyone else. Any failure is likely to lead to the badge holder and the person wearing the badge being removed from the event and possibly being barred from attending future AidEx and Development2030 Events.

  5. Anyone obtaining a show attendee badge by theft, deception or other illegal means may be asked to leave the event and may be barred from attending future AidEx and Development2030 events.

  6. Anyone attending AidEx and Development2030 events should carry some form of photo-ID (passport, photo-ID driving licence, national identity card) or other identification acceptable to the Organisers which the Organisers may ask to see.

  7. No one under the age of 18 will be able to attend any AidEx Geneva Ltd events. They are places of business and the presence of children is not encouraged.

  8. Anyone attending AidEx Geneva Ltd events must not take part in any canvassing, leafleting, demonstrations, objectionable behaviour or any activity which may disrupt the business activities at the event.

  9. The organisers reserve the right to exclude or remove anyone from the event and venue who do not comply with this policy or who they reasonably consider are likely to break these rules or who are prohibited from attending under any applicable laws or regulations.

  10. Press badges at the event are restricted to publishers, editors, journalists, photographers, broadcasters and web bloggers associated with the relevant industries. Members of the press may be required to complete an application form and produce accreditation in the form of a photocopy of a recognised press or media card, business card, NUJ card, a letter from the editor or an official web address linking to a press release or article in order to verify their position. Press applications from advertising personnel and media sales representatives will not be accepted.

  11. Official photographers and videographers will be taking photographs and other images at the event. The Organisers shall be entitled to use such photographs, which may include photographs or video footage of visitors, for the purpose of marketing the event attended and other AidEx Geneva Ltd events in the future. If you would prefer this not to be the case please email a photograph of yourself to The subject of the email should include DO NOT USE MY PHOTO

  12. Non-exhibiting companies attending AidEx or Development2030 are requested not to solicit for business at the event or from exhibitors within the show environments.